
A first-person Virtual Reality application, where the user can experience an interactive audiovisual installation.

This project is a first-person virtual reality application, where the user can experience an immersive and interactive audiovisual installation. The user find themselves in a dimly lit room containing multiple light rays creating multidimensional light drawings. These drawings can be seen as vector drawings. Throughout the experience, different animations, effects and visuals are presented. The movement of different visual elements is synchronised with the audio. The most distinguishing feature of the experience is the interactivity, especially at the end of the experience where the spheres move towards the user and start to rotate around them. Upon touching each sphere a different fragment of an audio track is played and after getting in contact with all spheres these fragments playback simultaneously creating the whole audio track.

This project is inspired by visual artists such as Christopher Bauder and Shohei Fujimoto.

The audio for this project was done by Herman Gritz